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How do I set up a commission structure?
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Written by Ambassador Team
Updated over 3 months ago


You’ve set up your campaign, now customize it even further by adding the commission structure.

How do I set up my commission options?

Follow the steps below to configure the reward structure for your campaign.
Step 1: In the navigation menu on the left, click “Campaigns.”

Step 2: Once on this page, check the box next to your existing campaign and additional buttons will appear. Click the blue "Edit" button.

Step 3: Next, click the "Commissions" tab and begin filling out the relevant fields for your commission structure.

Single Event Commission

Reward types are either monetary (cash, gift cards) or non-monetary (vouchers, points, etc.). You can then set the commission to be a flat amount or a percentage. For example, if you offer a 10% monetary commission, on a $100 revenue event your ambassador would receive a $10 commission.

Recurring Event Commission

Recurring event commissions are rewards issued for each subsequent payment you receive. For example, if your service is subscription based, enabling this will allow an ambassador to receive a commission for every month the referee’s subscription is renewed. If you’re enabling recurring commissions in your campaign, you must select the same reward type (monetary or non-monetary) that is selected in the single event commission. Please note, when a campaign ends, any recurring commissions will stop being recorded. 

Recurring Commission Limits

If you’re using a recurring commission model, this is where you can set a limit on the number of commissions that will be triggered. You can limit commissions by time period or by number of renewals. If you are not using recurring commissions, leave this section blank.

  • Automatically Approve Commissions: If you want your commissions automatically approved, check this box. Please note, approved commissions cannot be reversed. 

  • Do Not Award Zero Revenue Events: Check this box if you do not want to give a commission to your ambassador for a referee’s purchase that produces zero revenue, such as a free trial sign up.

Welcome Bonus

The welcome bonus is optional and provides a reward to the newly referred customer. To implement a welcome bonus, the referee will need to be created as an ambassador at the time of the referral event. Alternatively, an ambassador can receive a welcome bonus any time they are given access to a new campaign.

Commission Bonus

The commission bonus grants a cumulative bonus based on either converted campaign referrals or total company referrals. Selecting converted campaign referrals will offer a bonus based on the number of referrals for that particular campaign, while total company referrals will offer a bonus based on number of referrals across all campaigns the ambassador is enrolled in. For more information on getting this set up, check out this support article: Commission Bonus Overview

Multi-Tier Commissions

This function allows you to reward multiple levels (or tiers) of ambassadors in a single event. If you enable this feature, you will need to determine the percentage of the commission, number of tiers and minimum commission. For more information on getting this set up, check out this support article: Multi-Tier Commission Overview

​ Step 4: When complete, click “Save Campaign.” For steps to complete the next section, check out this support article: How do I assign ambassadors to a campaign?
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