Enable reCAPTCHA to protect against bot activity from spamming your Ambassador powered Refer-a-Friend (RAF) modules that you've added to your website.
TIP: We recommend enabling this for any RAF you've added to a public page on your website. It's unnecessary for a RAF behind a login experience.
When enabled, your users will simply check the "I'm not a robot" box after entering their email, and our system will detect if it is a human interaction or bot.
If the interaction does not pass verification, our server will block the request, display an error message, and prevent undesired signups and activity.
How to enable reCAPTCHA for a RAF module
Step 1: Login to Admin 2 - https://admin2.getambassador.com/login
Step 2: Click on Editor > then, click on an existing RAF or create a new RAF
Step 3: Within the RAF module, click on Prompt, then click Body
Step 4: Within th Body section, scroll down and toggle on "Recaptcha Verification"
Step 5: Click Save
Is a reCAPTCHA enough for stopping malicious bots?
Please note: Researchers have demonstrated that attackers can use click farms to beat this verification with thousands of low-paid workers solving CAPTCHAs on behalf of bots. Please consider your complete program journey to identify other areas you can implement protocols for bot activity.