Yes, a commission can be deleted - however, the status of a commission will determine the steps to have it deleted.
IMPORTANT: Be sure that deleting a commission is the right step. Deleted commissions cannot be recovered and will impact your metrics.
Alternatively, we recommend denying a commission.
How to delete a commission with a status of:
If the commission(s) is in a Pending status, an Admin user from your team can delete one or more commissions with a CSV import in Admin 2.
Step 1: Create a CSV file with the following column names and data
transaction_id = if applicable, include the transaction_id assigned by your system to each commission record, as the unique identifier for each commission you'd like to delete.
commission_id = or, you can include the commission_id assigned to each commission by Ambassador. You can retrieve this from the "ID" column in the Commissions table or a Commission export file.
delete = input a 1
Step 2: Within Ambassador, click on Referral > Commissions > then click the red Delete Commissions button. Within the popup modal, upload the file > select a contact to send the import results and follow the mapping prompts > Finish.
If the commission(s) has been approved but still in the Unpaid tab, an Admin user from your team can update the commission status back to Pending and then proceed with the above steps to delete it.
If the payout method for the commission is Manual, an Admin can follow these steps to move the commission back to Unpaid > and then Pending > and then delete it.
If the commission has an a different payout method than Manual. You must email your CSM or to request assistance.
Questions or concerns? Email your CSM or