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How do I update the status of a contact?
How do I update the status of a contact?
Ambassador Team avatar
Written by Ambassador Team
Updated over 12 months ago


As described in the Contacts Overview article, the status of contacts determines their role within your referral program. There are several different types of contacts, including ambassadors, prospects, unsubscribed and banned contacts:

  • Ambassadors: Contacts that are enrolled in your referral program are ambassadors. These individuals typically have access to at least one of your campaigns. Ambassadors can be anyone from customers and employees to affiliates, influencers or partners. 

  • Prospects: Contacts that are not yet enrolled in your referral program are prospects. These could be current or former customers that have not joined your referral program yet. By default, anyone that an ambassador refers that is not automatically enrolled in your referral program is added as a prospect. Please note, no action is required for contacts in the prospect state. You can opt to leave these contacts as is or enroll them in your program. 

  • Unsubscribed: Ambassadors are provided with the option to opt-out of communications that you've sent to them through Ambassador or the referral program as a whole. In the event that someone unsubscribes from your emails or program, their status will be updated accordingly. Additionally, if you choose to unsubscribe an ambassador, they will end up in this section. The "Unsubscribed" tab is also a great place to upload any opt-out lists that you have from other email service providers that you use such as MailChimp, HubSpot or Eloqua. For more information on importing these lists, check out this support article: How do I import my contacts?

  • Flagged: If you are on an Enterprise plan and have our Security functionality enabled, you will be able to view any contacts that have been flagged as suspicious.

  • Banned: If you would like to block an ambassador from any campaign that they're currently in, as well as any future campaigns that you create, you can ban them. This ban can be reversed at any time.

How do I change the status of a contact?

To update the status of a contact at anytime, follow these simple steps below!

Step 1: Go to the navigation menu on the left and click "Contacts."
Please note, it will default to the Ambassadors tab. 

Step 2: Next, click the “Payments” tab.

Step 3: Under “Payment Methods,” hover your mouse over “Codes” and you’ll see a button appear. Click “Configure” and you’ll end up here.

Step 4: On this page, you can import a list of coupon codes via a CSV file. Start by going to the "Coupons" tab and then click the “Import Coupon Codes” button.

Your file should include the following columns: 

  • code: Enter the code in this required column. This code must be unique and accepted in your shopping cart.

  • campaign_id: To restrict the code to a specific campaign, make sure to add the campaign UID in this column. The ID can be found in the "Campaigns" section under the "ID" column. If a code is not assigned to a campaign, it will be globally available to all campaigns. 

Please note, to convert an Excel file to a CSV, simply choose "Save As" and select .csv as the extension.

Step 5: After clicking the button, a popup will appear with a sample file. When you’re ready to import your CSV, click to browse and find the file or drag and drop. Use the drop-down menu to select where to send the import results to and then click "Continue." 


How do I view my codes?

After uploading, you can return to this page to view how many codes have been redeemed, who they were sent to and how many remain. 

TIP: The "Filters" option in the top-right corner is a helpful tool for viewing codes tied to a specific campaign or sent to a specific ambassador.

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