Voucher codes are unique codes generated by your system and uploaded to Ambassador to reward participants for Referral or Loyalty activity, such as free shipping and discount codes.
You can reward with them in a few different ways:
To payout a Referral commission with instant email delivery
Enabled as a reward option in the Portal Reward Catalog for points and/or referral cash redemption
To issue for Loyalty activity as a Rule Effect with instant email delivery
Voucher Codes vs. Coupon Codes
While Voucher codes are typically a coupon code, it's important to note that there is also a separate Coupon code feature in Ambassador for referred customers.
Here's the difference:
Coupon codes are used with our Welcome Message integration for referred customers to get a discount towards their purchase after clicking on a referral link.
Vouchers are used to pay participants for a successful referral or completing a loyalty task.
How to configure Voucher Codes
The process and requirements for voucher codes will vary based on the way that you'll be rewarding them. Click on a link below for a detailed breakdown of instructions for that specific method.
How to view voucher status
After uploading, you can return to this page to view how many vouchers have been issued, who they were sent to and how many remain.Β
Additionally, when there are 10% of codes remaining, an automated notification email will be sent to the primary admin of the account.
Tip: The "Filters" option in the top-right corner is a helpful tool for viewing vouchers tied to a specific campaign or sent to a specific ambassador.
Related Support Articles
If you have any questions, email your designated Ambassador support rep or support@getambassador.com.