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Coupon Codes Overview & Setup
Coupon Codes Overview & Setup

Learn what coupon codes are and how to configure them.

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Written by Ambassador Team
Updated over 5 months ago


Coupon codes are used with our Welcome Message integration for referred individuals to get a discount towards their purchase after clicking on a referral link.

These codes are single use and generated by your system and accepted by your shopping cart or checkout/signup system.

How do I set up coupon codes?

Follow these steps to add coupon codes to your account.

Step 1: Go to the navigation menu on the left and click "Settings."

Step 2: Next, click the “Payments” tab.

Step 3: Under “Payment Methods,” hover your mouse over “Codes” and you’ll see a button appear. Click “Configure” and you’ll end up here.

Step 4: On this page, you can import a list of coupon codes via a CSV file. Start by going to the "Coupons" tab and then click the “Import Coupon Codes” button.

Your file should include the following columns: 

  • code: Enter the code in this required column. This code must be unique and accepted in your shopping cart.

  • campaign_id: To restrict the code to a specific campaign, make sure to add the campaign UID in this column. The ID can be found in the "Campaigns" section under the "ID" column. If a code is not assigned to a campaign, it will be globally available to all campaigns. 

Please note, to convert an Excel file to a CSV, simply choose "Save As" and select .csv as the extension.

Step 5: After clicking the button, a popup will appear with a sample file. When you’re ready to import your CSV, click to browse and find the file or drag and drop. Use the drop-down menu to select where to send the import results to and then click "Continue." 


How do I view my codes?

After uploading, you can return to this page to view how many codes have been redeemed, who they were sent to and how many remain. 

TIP: The "Filters" option in the top-right corner is a helpful tool for viewing codes tied to a specific campaign or sent to a specific ambassador.


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